Jurassic Park: Movement and Editing

Everyone’s dream of being to close to dinosaurs came to life in 1993.  Steven Spielberg’s production of Jurassic Park was a work of art.  This film would not of been as amazing or special if it was not for the camera movement and editing.  Throughout the film, there are a few scene’s that stick out that really compliment the camera movement and editing of the film.

In the first scene that I selected to use, is the oh so famous and always recognized kitchen scene.  As we all know the two children are hiding from the velociraptor.  The camera movement in this scene is in comparison with the fear that the children are feeling.  The raptors seem to move in a slow shifty way.  The camera moves from showing the kids hiding behind the table, to a show shift up to the raptors as they communicate with each other.  This slow camera move shifting back and forth between the raptor and the children just imply that fear that we see as the audience.  As the children begin to crawl on the floor of the kitchen trying to stay out of sight of the raptors, the movement of the camera starts to switch from top to bottom.  The flashing of the camera does not only show the panic of the children, but it shows the two kids avoiding the ferocious predator.


The next scene that a picked from this film is the oh so famous toilet death.  This particular scene has a special place in my heart.  I can remember talking about this way back in early elementary school.  This alone was the funniest scene to an eight year old boy.  However now looking at it I see excellent camera movement and editing.  First when Dr. Grant yells at Ian to freeze.  The camera zooms in fast to show how serious he is.  You would think that it would be obvious reckoning there was a giant T-Rex right there.  When Ian starts to run away from the T-Rex the camera movement sways back and forth in a frantic way.  This camera movement is to represent the frantic movement to show that he is running.  I think that this camera movement because it shows the chaos of the scene.  Moving to the toilet death part.  The editing of this particular moment in the film show the little cabana shaking due to the giant T-Rex running toward it.  Spielberg’s film did an excellent job showing how massive the T-Rex really was.  When the T-Rex finally arrives and knocks down the little toilet shed the camera movement slowly zooms in as if the light was slowly falling through his fingers.  When the camera finally reaches him so doest he T-Rex, and yes he has the look on his face like he just pooped himself.

Jurassic Park (1993)
Martin Ferrero (Donald Gennaro) is hiding in the portable bathroom.

This film is a great example for camera movement and editing.

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